un mio cliente ha lasciato una commento.
Mi è arrivata la notifica via mail:
A review for the product "Marbled Paper - Combed Patterns" was added or modified by the user 37U60360 (GXXX PXXX).
The creation date/time is 04 Jun 2012 12:52:49
The last modification date/time is 04 Jun 2012 12:52:49
The short text is:
--- short text begin ---
Excellent papers !
It´s a pleasure for me to find this product in Italy .
Very kind and fast transaction.
What a luck that somebody makes such an old traditional and beautiful craft !
Sorry for my bad Endlish - I´m from Germany
--- short text end ---
The long text is:
--- long text begin ---
--- long text end ---
For the time beeing this review is not published. It can be reviewed and eventually published through the control panel.
E-Commerce System
Vorrei naturalmente approvare il commento... sono entrata nel pannello di controllo -> uteniti -> testimonianze
In testimonianze non ho niente ...vuoto... è normale??? da dove lo approvo?? dove è il commento lasciato?
